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Hidden Valley Hawk Talk Newsletter, Issue #11

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Monday, November 13, 2023
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Nov 13-17

ALL GRADE LEVELS 11:45 am Super minimum dismissal/ Parent and teacher conferences

After school enrichment is open for registration

Cub Scouts will be collecting food donations

LunchMaster orders are open for December

Nov 15

Dress like a spy/ninja day

Children for Change Family Orientation on Hidden Valley Campus

Nov 20 -24

No school - Fall Break

Nov 29

Ruby Bridges Walk and Roll to School Day - New date!

Nov 30

Make-up Picture Day

Dec 12

Winter sing-a-long 11-11:45 am in the MPR

Dec 25 - Jan 5

No school Winter Break

January 8

No school - teacher work day

January 15

No school - MLK Jr. Day


Hawk Families,


Conference Week 

It's hard to believe that we are already a third of the way through the school year! This week all students will go home at 11:45 so that teachers can meet with parents for our annual parent-teacher conferences. Please sign up for a conference to hear how your child is progressing towards grade-level standards. These conferences also provide an invaluable opportunity to learn how to support your child at home.


Community, community, community!  

We wouldn’t be the school we are without your support.  Thank you to those who have volunteered to support our lunchtime supervision. We are excited to share that we now have enough lunch supervisors on staff, so we can again begin our noontime lunch clubs!


If you would like to lead a Lego, Art, Garden, Board Games (or something else), please email


Native American Heritage Month

At our recent Hawk Assembly we read We Are the Protectors and were introduced to a Coast Miwok Land Acknowledgement, while learning ideas of making a promise to protect the land to ensure it is healthy for all present and future inhabitants. 








FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS - Cultural Celebration!

Diwali (also called Divali or Deepavali) is a “festival of lights” that celebrates the triumph of light over dark, good over evil, and the blessings of victory, freedom, and enlightenment. 


On the night of Diwali, celebrants light dozens of candles, placing them throughout their homes and in the streets to light up the dark night. 


In most of India, Diwali consists of a five-day celebration that peaks on the third day with the main celebration of Diwali.

The holiday is celebrated throughout India, Singapore, and several other South Asian countries as a national holiday, meaning that people outside these religions may participate in Diwali celebrations, too. Hindu, Sikh, and Jain communities in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, and elsewhere around the globe also regularly celebrate Diwali.








Our esteemed principal of the day, Isaac Gelman and his assistant determined Nov 15th to be “Spy Day”.  


Finally, we will be collecting canned goods all week to benefit the Marin Community Food Bank! 


In Community,





We are moving in the right direction! We are now at 34% participation.  It’s a start but we need the majority of RVSD families to pitch in and support the arts. Please donate what you can to We have tiered level giving and monthly donation options to make giving easy.



Thank you for supporting the arts.



Remind your child to draw a monster eating their favorite treat and drop it in the YES box at the front office.  Deadline for the contest is November 29th (don’t forget to put their name & grade)!  Swirl will be donating a gift certificate for a free ice cream to one winner from each grade!











Children thrive with a well-rounded arts education. Your support is vital to bringing these programs to every student! 


Grab dinner and a drink at Stillwater (10% of proceeds go to YES if you tell them you are a YES supporter) and head over to Peri’s Tavern at 8pm to hear Victoria George and the High Lonesome. Victoria is a White Hill & Hidden Valley parent, a YES supporter (and board member) and an incredible musician! Supporting the arts at the RVSD has never been so fun! Tickets are available now.




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Walk and Roll for Ruby on November 29 (new date!)

Ruby Bridges Walk and Roll Day is being rescheduled due the rainy forecast this week! Join us on Wednesday, November 29! Celebrate the spirit of Ruby Bridges by walking, rolling, carpooling, or parking-and-walking to school. Come to the Safe Routes to Schools’ welcome table on the morning of Nov. 29 to receive a prize.


¡El Día de Caminata y Rollo de Ruby Bridges está siendo reprogramado debido al pronóstico de lluvia esta semana! Únase a nosotros el miércoles 29 de noviembre¡ Celebre el espíritu de Ruby Bridges caminando, rodando, compartiendo auto o estacionándose y caminando a la escuela. ¡Ven a la mesa de bienvenida de Rutas Seguras a las Escuelas la mañana del 29 de noviembre para recibir un premio.

Note the new date is November 29 - not November 15 on the poster below.


We need your help with yard duty!
We need help everyday with our kindergartners, from 11:45-12:30. We have created a sign up sheet for daily help. Sign up at your convenience for any day of the school year here:


We can also use additional substitutes for kindergarten and the grades. Fill out this form to be contacted when we have a specific need for somebody to fill in for one of our regular volunteers:

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These orientations are joyful evenings to learn more about Children for Change, our programming and approach. Adults leave with a few of our family-friendly tools to discuss community engagement at home, and students complete a service project while we're together. 


Register for the Nov 15 Family Orientation at Hidden Valley here


Even if you can't make it to the Family Orientation, every Hidden Valley family has access to our year-round, family-friendly community volunteer opportunities with over 30 local nonprofits. Go to our website ( and click 'Volunteer' on the top right.


Follow along with the good things happening across Children for Change. Sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter and follow our social media!

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